The Invisible Armada

The metamorphoses of genocide

By Alain Brossat

種族滅絕變形記 (Chinese version)





這班英國國會反中說客大耍把戲,在英國被稱為「鬧劇」,兩日後卻變成《台北時報》的「breaking news」,篇幅還佔了六個欄位:「UK lawmakers call PRC’s Uyghur policies ’genocide’」。標題深思熟慮,分明扭曲事實,因為這個說法就會讓讀者以為是國會大多數議員通過了議案。內文沒有一處提到投票贊成議案的人其實少得不值一晒。不是只在泛濫成災的社交媒體上才有fake news散播的。

相反,那篇文章提到其中一個提出議案的人,那個人叫做甘妮[1],在新彊議題上反中很久,也因此遭中國政府制裁,她說的話就讓這一下粗製濫造的政治宣傳有趣起來了;甘妮就趁這次機會武斷地重新定義甚麼是種族滅絕,完全讓這個概念走偏了:「There is a misunderstanding that genocide is just one act — mass killing. That is false.[2]」還說一切在新彊昭然若揭,有人打算把一個(國族、種族、宗教)群體完全摧毀又或破壞一部分,符合種族滅絕的行為全都有了……

這班人大可以應徵語言宗師一職,唯我獨尊,全世界的政治哲學課本和字典也要亦步亦趨,換句話說,按照他們的說法,「種族滅絕」一詞一定要整個重新演繹,移到別處去,並擴展起來。從此,要令一個人類群體(不論用種族、宗教還是國藉來界定也好)從地上消失的這個意圖完全就淪為次要了。把一個群體消滅(而這就假定要有規律去做),這個種族滅絕的核心想法,那名英國說客就換成隨意可變的標準,由她「to destroy in whole or in part」一說可見一斑,也因此有了「文化種族滅絕」這個同樣隨意可變的概念。



















然後另一個是完美斷裂機制,和上一段的絕對真理機制短兵交接,所有前設也抵觸,就是指大家翻開新一頁,甚至把前面的全都撕掉,通通忘記,開啟新一章,需要的話更會擦掉痕跡,不過通常連這樣做也不會:大家就作罷,了無牽掛,毫不擔心。原本獨一無二的種族滅絕就變成引擎,讓政治哲學用來轉變成神學倫理;現在大家就重新運用這個詞,急急忙忙地重畫成「文化種族滅絕」(不過總是縮短成種族滅絕),犯人是中國極權政府,而今次黏住這個詞不放的是異質聯盟,有記者、政客、學院填鴨的年青一輩。當下時代股東[13]順著議程來開會,隨時開打也可以:今天最重要是contain and roll back[14]中國勢力,用盡所有手段來個炮打司令部!而跟著列維納斯學習倫理和查考經文就變得次要了……



卓姆士奇[17]接受一位《紐約時報》記者訪問,說了這番話 :「就拿在維吾爾人身上發生的事來說吧。我們很難確實知道發生甚麼事,不過就有足夠資料證明那裡有人受極嚴苛壓逼。但是,容我問你一條非常簡單的問題:有上百萬維吾爾人進了所謂的教育營,這個情況比起數量是雙倍的加沙居民承受的更壞嗎?我意思是:我們有沒有一直轟炸摧毀維吾爾人的發電廠和食水設備?以我所知就沒有。所以沒錯,新彊現在的事情並不應該發生,我們一定要抗議。不過那和加沙發生的事分別很大,就是很遺憾,我們為維吾爾人做不到甚麼,相反,加沙的話,我們可以話事,而且正正要為發生的事負責,我們可以讓戰禍明天就停下來,這辦得到啊。這就是分別了。所以沒錯,世上現時有那麼多壞事,在新彊發生的事也算壞透了,不過說就是這件事在威脅我們,實在有一點誤導吧。[18]」



[1] (譯註)甘妮,Nus Ghani (1972-),英國保守黨現任國會議員。

[2] 「大家有誤解,以為種族滅絕只是一個行為、只是屠殺。這樣想就錯了。」

[3] (譯註)林清,Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959),猶太裔波蘭司法學家。

[4] (譯註)當時的納粹官方說法,全名為「解決猶太人問題的終極辦法」。

[5] (譯註)朗思曼,Claude Lanzmann (1925-2018),法國紀錄片導演。

[6] (譯註)三位法國哲學家,在二十世紀下半葉思考過猶太種族滅絕這個問題。

[7] (譯註)rogue,暗指政治術語「流氓國家」(rogue state)。

[8] 我當然不是在說那一小撮否認種族滅絕有發生過的狂熱教徒了--這班人的觀點徹頭徹尾虛無,是非顛倒樂此不疲,所以討論這些問題時,從來也不用考慮這個觀點。

[9] (譯註)作者出身法國,而馬克思主義六七十年代在法國蔚為風潮。

[10] (譯註)différend,其中一重意思是兩方衝突、不和、不解,卻沒有第三者能夠做仲裁。懂法語的讀者,可以參閱作者另一篇文章,Le différend culturel:

[11] (譯註)曾茲,Adrian Zenz (1974-),學者,自稱遵循上帝旨意來反共。非常多傳媒報導新彊問題時也是引用他的報告,似乎成了唯一參考資料,但是他往往在智庫發表研究,而不是在一定要經同僚審閱的學術期刊。曾茲的新彊研究有甚麼地方站不住腳,懂英語的讀者可以參閱:

[12] 譬如參見 : « Le député belge qui défie Pékin sur le sort des Ouïgours du Xinjiang - Simon Cogolati a déposé une proposition de loi accusant la Chine de génocide », par Jean-Pierre Stroobans, correspondant du Monde à Bruxelles (Le Monde du 24/04/2021)

[13] 我說「當下時代股東」是指那些依照買賣股票原則來在當下出沒的人,應該說他們佔領當下才對:時勢愈壞,金融市場就愈好,而他們買的「股票」也升得愈多。所以「維吾爾種族滅絕」這隻股票在瘟疫蹂躪全球的時期上市,就再好不過了。

[14] (譯註)「把中國圍堵,推回去原位」。圍堵、推回這兩項策略是美國在冷戰用來對付共產勢力的。

[15] (譯註)拉魯斯詞典是法語世界其中一本可靠詞典。

[16] (譯註)典出克勞塞維茲這位十九世紀普魯士軍事家的《論戰爭》名句:「打仗純粹就是用別的方法來繼續做政治」。

[17] (譯註)卓姆士奇,Noam Chomsky (1928- ),美國語言學家。

[18] 刊在二零二一年四月廿三號《紐約時報》。

25 June 2021

In a context of rampant war of the worlds, where the desires to cross swords are hidden less and less, words, certain words, tend to become weapons. In order to prepare them for this use, they should be subjected to reprocessing so that they become operational on the battlefield. The engineers and mercenaries of the new cold war are working it ardently and are rapidly acquiring expert knowledge in the field.

One of the key words in this new configuration, as we have already noted, is the term "genocide". But the issues that are condensed around it in the war of discourses that is taking shape, both political and philosophical, are of such importance that it is worth returning to them, every day feeding the chronicle of its redeployment – of the inflation of a rhetoric of genocide inspired by the fiercest of nihilisms.

On 22 April, a handful of members of the House of Commons (it has not been possible to establish precisely whether there were five or seven, certainly less than ten, out of 650 members of this august assembly) passed a motion, using a procedural device, describing the campaign of "re-education" of the Uighur population conducted in Xinjiang by the Chinese regime as genocide and crime against humanity.

This motion, devoid of any legislative value and not committing the British Government in any way, is therefore only an approximate publicity stunt undertaken by a quarter of activists relaying on other initiatives, in particular in the United States; it is intended, like so many others, to trivialize or even give legal force to the characterization of the campaign launched by the Chinese Government, accompanied by massive internments in the Xinjiang region, and other infinitely reprehensible practices, as genocide.

This is despite the fact that a few weeks earlier, the Legal Committee of the US State Department had issued an opinion that there was insufficient evidence to qualify the Chinese authorities' policy in Xinjiang as genocide, even though certain practices (forced labor) could be defined as crimes against humanity.

Described as a "farce" in the British press, this frivolous show by the core anti-Chinese lobby in the House of Commons became "breaking news", and on six columns, in Taipei Times two days later: “UK lawmakers call PRC's Uighur policies ‘genocide’” - a title in the form of blatant and deliberate distortion of the facts since it aims to make the reader believe that it was a majority of elected representatives in the House of Commons who adopted this motion. At no time is the ridiculously small number of Members who voted for the motion mentioned in the article. It's not just on crazy social media that fakes news thrives.

On the other hand - and this is where this crude propagandist operation becomes interesting - the article quotes one of the initiators of the motion, a certain Nus Ghani, a conservative MP, long engaged in the anti-Chinese campaign about the situation in Xinjiang and moreover "sanctioned" (declared undesirable) for this reason by the Chinese authorities; Nus Ghani, therefore, takes the opportunity to redefine, on her own authority, the notion of genocide and make it undergo a radical shift: "There is a misunderstanding that genocide is just one act – mass killing. That is false". Then, she adds that her criteria of genocide, the intention to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group are all obviously met in Xinjiang...

In other words, according to these candidates for the position of master of the language exercising their empire on dictionaries and textbooks of political science all around the world, the term "genocide" must be completely redeployed, displaced and extended. From now on, the intention to remove from the face of the earth a human group designated according to its race, its religious affiliation, or national becomes quite subsidiary. To this central notion of the purpose of eradicating, right down to the last, this group (which presupposes the intended and systematic implementation of its extermination), the British lobbyist substitutes the extremely flexible criterion which is condensed in the expression "to destroy in whole or in part", and which therefore aims to give substance to the equally plastic notion of "cultural genocide".

As a result of such a dilution of the concept of genocide, any minority group considering itself to be the victim of discriminatory measures by a state, any authority or another group will be able to say that it is the victim of a project or attempted “genocide” or "cultural genocide", destined to undermine its integrity, identity, its singularity, “in whole or in part”; discrimination affecting linguistic usages, religious practices, mores, become therefore putative or potential genocide: the strong discrimination that hits Muslims in France or India, it is the open door to genocide; the Catalans who consider themselves mistreated by the Spanish state, ditto. The Taiwanese aborigines whose languages and customs are in perpetual deficit of recognition, so!

And, conversely, when the ultras of Taiwanese independence speak of "disinizing" the island, it would, likewise, have a strong scent of genocide...

On this path, genocide becomes the all-inclusive of all those who, as a minority or ill-treated group, have a wrong to assert, against an abusive authority or a more powerful one. The concept loses all its original scope, at the same time as it is intended, in the ulterior motives of those who engage in this operation, to become an absolute weapon against the enemy of the moment – the Chinese regime, in this case.

When he coined this notion in 1944, Rafaël Lemkin had two main objectives: first, to produce the name of an unprecedented crime. If genocide is a word fabricated by combining a Greek root and another, Latin, it is not by chance: it is because it was necessary, in a certain state of emergency, to produce a term intended to designate and pin a mass crime (the racial exterminations perpetrated by the Nazis) of which it appeared, at this turning point in history, when Soviet troops liberated the Nazi extermination camps, that it was not comparable with any state crime of the past and that it was therefore not likely to be adequately designated by the existing nomenclature: bloodbath, carnage, massacre, hecatomb, pogrom, killing... even the word extermination appeared to remain below the crime, not reflecting either the intentionality of the crime (its programming and systematic implementation), or the designation of victims according to the criteria set by the racist, supremacist ideology of the criminal state.

Secondly, the production of the word genocide by Lemkin (a jurist) aims to create the conditions for a justice that stands up to the crimes that were committed by the Nazis. It is therefore necessary, in particular, to be able to rule on the imprescriptibility of some of these crimes and to waive, as far as they are concerned, the general principle of non-retroactivity of the application of laws.

It is therefore clear that the production of the term genocide as a legal and historical category, distinct from the concept of crime against humanity, has a quite specific function: to prevent the relativization of state crimes, historical crimes, committed during the twentieth century and whose singularity can be stated as follows: those who conceive, plan and carry out these crimes intend to remove from the common body of humanity a fraction of it, designated according to racial, ethnic, religious or national criteria, or even social. In their minds, it is a purification operation insofar as the perpetrators cannot coexist on this earth with this part of the human species that they intend to eradicate as completely as possible.

The notion of genocide aims to make conceivable this singularity of a purifying and erasing project implemented under general conditions of "modernity"; it is intended to make it possible, despite all the obstacles, to pull into the path of reparation for the harm suffered by the victims, in particular by preventing modern genocides from being dissolved in a general history of massacres, of historical violence — a formless, timeless, history, devoid of any concept. By definition, therefore, if genocide is to be a concept, if it is to retain its analytical edge, it is necessary, first and foremost, to oppose its dilution and its eclectic and opportunistic uses.

However, the rhetorical outbidding that the patented agitators are engaged in on the Uighur issue is heading in exactly the opposite direction. The strange and singular thing is that this banalizing and instrumental inclination is now giving free rein at a time when we have not yet really emerged and recovered particularly in Western Europe and North America, from another bias, just as damaging: the production of a kind of civil religion of the Holocaust (of the Shoah) whose proper is to be based on another rhetorical operation - the one that aims at making of the destruction of the Jews of Europe by the Nazis the essential Genocide, that is to make the Shoah (the Holocaust) the quintessence of genocide, the absolute and unique referent of genocide. An operation whose effect is to hinder the identification and recognition of other genocides (the Armenian genocide, for example) and to stir up competition among the victims - a spiral that begins as soon as the Shoah, as a European catastrophe, is set as the universal standard of genocide. This operation benefits from the fact that the very genesis of the concept coined by Lemkin is indissociable from this unprecedented criminal event – the “Final Solution” (Endlösung) to the “Jewish problem”, as the Nazi leaders imagined it.

It is not only that the term genocide was constantly drawn into the orbit of the Shoah, in such a massive and pressing way, that other scenes of genocide were under-exposed. It is also that, in the phase in which the discourse of absolute singularity and uniqueness (some going so far as to practice the outbidding of the "uniquely unique") of the Shoah reached its climax (the years 1990-2000), this discourse was clearly shifted in the direction of an ethic with a strong theological coloration whose characteristic was to be refractory to historical and political discussion and criticism (of its philosophical as well as ideological and political presuppositions).

But at the same time, it turned out that this discursive form and the mode of problematization of the singularity of the extermination of the Jews had a strong coloration of political theology - consisting essentially in immunizing the state of Israel against any criticism by making it, by association, a sacred object. According to this mode of enunciation of the singularity of genocide, it merges with the uniqueness (absolute exceptionality) of the Shoah and tends to make it a sacred object (of horror and terror). The state that proclaims itself the heir of the victims and presents itself as the one that repairs the harm inflicted on them becomes in its turn a sacred object and, as such, exempts itself from criticism and is suppose to immunize it against any suspicion of abuse of power (against the Palestinians, notably).

This was the meaning of the discursive operation that was arranged in the decades of the last century around the figure of genocide, focused on the Holocaust (the Shoah). What we are called upon to reflect on today is the huge gap that is growing, in terms of arrangement of the discourses that are called upon to set the tone of present time, between this posture and the one that is emerging today, with the redeployment of the issues condensed around this infinitely powerful and dense word - genocide.

Under the previous regime, the one that will be designated, to go to the essentials, as the Lanzmannian regime, the emphasis is placed on the unspeakable, the indescribable of a capital Crime that resists analysis and description and about which we can only testify - the survivors, direct witnesses and those who testify for the victims, silent witnesses[1]. The affect that accompanies this gesture is piety: memory tends to become indistinct from worship, any discussion around the Genocide as a historical fact is doomed to become an impiety, even an insanity that will be denounced with vehemence by the guardians of memory. But this fundamentalism of the memory of the incomparable Crime is suspect - it carries in its luggage all kinds of political unspoken. To put it bluntly, in the work of the filmmaker Claude Lanzmann his film to the glory of the Israeli army Tsahal hardly separates itself from the work that constitutes the keystone of the ethical discourse that is jointed with the theology of the Holocaust – the monumental Shoah...

What a contrast between the serious tones and the metaphysical accents, the philosophical intensities that supported this police of statements concerning the Genocide and the current discursive agitation around the question of Xinjiang! Here, it is no longer at all respected and sometimes revered philosophers (Lévinas, Blanchot, Ricoeur...) who set the tone but influencers financed by shady foundations, rogue political adventurers à la Pompeo, professionals of anti-Chinese agitation, journalists in uniform or in livery. At a time when the guardians of memory stood guard in front of the discourse of the Singularity, anyone who suggested that "things" could be said differently or tried to spot the flaws and blind spots of this police of statements was exposed to the risk of being overwhelmed with infamous epithets intended to banish him from discussion[2]. This is because the Evil with which he was immediately suspected of making a pact was then written with a giant capital letter...

The agitation around the "Uighur genocide", by contrast, does not bother with this heavy metaphysical equipment, it travels light and goes straight to the point: to find the defect of the armor by which could penetrate the poisoned line likely to make the Chinese power falter. In simple terms, it will be said that, in the context of the endless war of the worlds, the lesson-giving West has recently been inflicted by China such a masterful thrashing (in terms of biopolitical efficiency) by China, on the occasion of the Covid 19 pandemic, that it has become urgent and vital for its multiple agencies to organize diversions intended to put back in the saddle the discourse of values and lights of which it would be and will remain the spokesman from his manifest destiny. This is, first and foremost, the vocation and function of the current frantic agitation around the Uighur genocide. Once again, the dissecting of this discursive operation (or ideological campaign, as was said in the time of St. Marx) does not in any way amount to or aim to evade the "problem" that constitutes, in the present, the policy conducted by the Chinese leaders and administration in Xinjiang; it is all but saying: 'move around, there is nothing to see!' There is something to be seen, but this something must be named and denounced under the ordinary conditions of an analytical, critical, genealogical approach - not of this new nihilistic obscurantism, driven by the passion for chaos and supported by the obscure desire for the collapse of the Chinese regime, with all its foreseeable consequences.

What we do see is a campaign of forced assimilation, of neo-colonial style and spirit, a campaign of acculturation that undermines the most intimate of people's lives, in its cultural and religious foundations. One of these "great campaigns" inspired by a brutal, simplistic and hasty "planist" conception of political and governmental action. As such, the campaign underway in Xinjiang would be comparable to that which, during the Cultural Revolution, consisted of sending millions of urban young people, students and high school students in particular, to the countryside. This, even at the time, for the purposes of "re-education", bringing into line and putting to work a youth destined to be ideologically formatted and disciplined to excess. It is the lead hand of a power with a brain made foggy (today) by the vertigo of success and totally inept in its treatment of an issue where the dispute, now become global, around Islam is at stake (and the return of colonial and post-colonial issues of all kinds, not to mention the neo-colonial postures of the West in the context of its present “moral rearmament”).

But to equate this problem (serious, and not close to being settled, with the way things are going and given the way in which the Chinese state bureaucracy handles the bear pavement) with the Soviet Great Terror or the Nazi exterminations, by decree, without references and without argumentation, equipped with the only reference to the Orwellian catch-all 1984 - this is pure nihilism, in the tone of the today's obscurantism.

This is, of course, what is opening the doors of the academic career wide to a generation of ambitious and newly graduated opportunists who have for all academic capital only their irrational hatred of China; young people whose thought leaders are Mike Pompeo and Adrian Zenz, who know nothing of the classical literature on the Soviet and Nazi concentration camp systems; and who, blindly confident in the performative function of propaganda and repetition, have no doubt that by dint of saying that genocide is taking place in Xinjiang and that it is of the same kind as what is commonly subsumed under the names of Auschwitz and Gulag - this mantra will turn into a stainless factual truth; fresh cold war doctors - just as we find everywhere in western countries those third-rate politicians who now specialize in anti-Chinese activism and whose ardent hope is that the Chinese watchdogs take notice of them and make them famous by the same token.

What is striking, when we reflect on the condition of the discourses and the police of the statements in their relation to the fundamental political questions, with the problems of the balance of power, is this: the very close combination between two modalities which, however, should exclude each other; on the one hand, this general rule: what could be called vital statements, those that, in a given configuration, cut out the territory of the true - what presents itself and asserts itself under the regime of the indisputable, immune to criticism. In this regard, to lend, in the past, the flank to the accusation of wanting to "relativize the Shoah", it was the worst thing that could have happened to you in the discursive topography where prevailed the motive of the Uniqueness (the absolute singularity) of the Shoah; the consequence being this intolerant and dogmatic trend of the basic statements that prevail in this configuration.

And then, on the other hand, what clashes head-on with all the presumptions attached to this apodictical modality: a regime of perfect discontinuity – they (the “Uighur genocide” lobby) turn the pages, even they tear them apart and we move on to a new chapter, they just forget, if necessary they erase the traces, but more generally, not even: they move on to something else with a light heart, carelessly. The Genocide had become the vector of an ethical and theological turning point in political philosophy; here it is redeployed, hastily repainted as a "cultural genocide" (but more often than not, they shorten it into genocide anyway), perpetrated by the Chinese totalitarian power, and this time, it is a motley coalition of politicians, journalists and formatted young academics that sticks to it. The logocrats of the present time are moving on to the agenda, always on the breach: today, the priority is to contain and roll back the Chinese power, by all means, fire on the Headquarters! - while Ethics and Emmanuel Levinas' sacred texts are purely and simply rejected to the background.

The notion of genocide has always been exposed to instrumentalization, it goes without saying, but, with the indifference displayed in its elementary sense (genocide: “systematic extermination of a human, national, ethical or religious group" – Larousse dictionary, 2006), a new level has been reached. Unfortunately, those who practice this outbidding of infecting words into political utensils and weapons of war are here in good company: when, on 24 April, Joe Biden officially recognized the Armenian genocide in the name of the United States, it was not the love of the truth or the ardent desire to pay tribute to the victims that inspired him; much more trivially and sinisterly, it was mainly a question of punishing Turkey and its leader Erdogan for certain recent changes in the foreign and military policy of this country, which the United States does not find to its liking.

It is very difficult to imagine anything gloomier than this use of genocide, in the service of the continuation of politics or war... "by other means" (to parody a famous formula).

In a recent interview with a New York Times reporter, Noam Chomsky said: “ Let’s take what’s happening with the Uyghur. Pretty hard to get good evidence, but there’s enough evidence to show that there’s very severe repression going on. Let me ask you a simple question. Is the situation of the Uyghurs, a million people who’ve been through education camps, is that worse than the situation of, say, two million and twice that many people in Gaza? I mean, are the Uyghur having their power plants destroyed, their sewage plants destroyed, subjected to regular bombing? Is it not happening to them? Not to my knowledge. So yes, it shouldn’t be happening. We should protest it. It has one crucial difference from Gaza. Namely, in the Uyghur case, there’s not a lot that we can do about it, unfortunately. In the Gaza case, we can do everything about it since we were responsible for it, we can stop it tomorrow. That’s the difference. OK? So yes, that’s a very bad thing among other bad things in the world. But to say that it’s a threat to us is a little misleading.”[3].

This, addressed to the American public in the first place, is not badly said at all...

[1] Claude Lanzmann (1925-2018) was a French filmaker, writer and polemist. His film Shoah was the matrix of the notion of the Holocaust as the Absolute crime.

[2] I'm not talking here of the repugnant revisionist ( « negationnist ») sect which, notably in France, launched a campaign on the motto « Gas chambers have never existed ». The radical nihilism that inspired this agitation rightfully resulted in the banishment of there people from the field of public discussion on the subject.

[3] New York Times, 23/04/ 2021. Retrieved from